Pes 2020 Uefa Champions League Simpulan Ball


CPK File

1. Extract the file with WinRAR,
2. Copy .CPK file to your PES 2020 download folder.
C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\eFootball PES 2020\download\
3. Generate with PES 2020 DpFileList Generator.
4. Done.

LiveCPK / Sider Version

Requirements :

- Sider 5 for PES 2019 or Sider 6 for PES 2020
- Ball Server by Zlac ( Works for PES 2019/PES 2020 )

1. Copy all the balls folders contained in the rar archive to your ball-server
2. Open the readme.txt file contained in the rar archive and copy and paste all the ball entries in your map_competitions.txt in your ball-server folder
3. Start PES 2020 and select your ball of choice via Sider overlays menu'


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