Pes 2020 Laliga Santander Generic Adboards V1

CREDITS: NikoLiberty4

This pack contains 14 different adboards, made with 2048x512 textures, with the goal of making LaLiga games in PES more immersive. This is just the first version, as I intend to make additional adboards for specific LaLiga clubs, starting with Barcelona soon.

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I used the "global" set from majuh's adboard pack as a base for this mod.


Copy "nikoliberty" folder inside "Content" to your livecpk folder in sider. Then, add this line to sider.ini:

cpk.root = ".\livecpk\nikoliberty"

Note: This mod already comes with a pre-configured config.xml to use these adboards. If you want to use this content inside other adboard packs or mods, you have to add this line to the respective config.xml (usually located in common\bg\model\bg\bill\config\):

<condition stid="-1" compeid="11" hometeamid="-1" teamexclusion="-1" language="-1" region="-1" title="PES 2020 LaLiga Santander Generic Adboards v1" pattern="laliga1" />

Password: evo-web


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