Pes 2020 Evoweb Patch V1.0

Leagues and Cups updated with real logos and names
Updated Team Data for LaLiga and more
Authentic LaLiga and more with real ftex kits, fonts (including special characters)
Special Character names have been added for LaLiga and more players via player.bin
Brescia Calcio and Borussia Dortmund added (full Bundesliga in a future Update)
2019/20 minifaces for players in LaLiga, BVB and more (+over 1000 remade minifaces)

Install the newest Version of Sider 6
Create new folder called EvoWeb Patch inside your livecpk directory
Download & Extract EvoWeb Patch with WinRAR, copy all content inside EvoWeb Patch folder
Open sider.ini and add the following cpk roots:
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Database"
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Faces"
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Graphics"
cpk.root = ".\livecpk\EvoWeb Patch\Kits"

Copy EDIT00000000 file to Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2020\Your number\save
copy EDIT00000000 file and paste as sample image below (click image to see bigger)

Start Sider and play the game
After opening the game go to ‘Local Match’ select your controller, wait for the Live update in progress to finish, click next, then press ‘R3 Live Update Data/Uniform Ratings’ and select Live Update Off in leagues menu, (otherwise teams will revert to default).
Game updated on 03.10
Download the sider.dll from sider 6.1.2 link and just copy/paste the sider.dll from the update to your sider folder… don’t copy/paste anything else.

* If you have cpk files, generate again new dpfilelist with DLC 1.02 by Baris.

For everyone having trouble with players Dummy or without names, just delete the file Player.bin from the Database folder in live Cpk and all works great also with Live Update (R3) activated.

Open settings.exe and select “disable” on vsync option if gameplay stutte

CYPES (Bundesliga Data)
NFS_FM (Some Logos)
all Facemakers
juce & nesa24 (Sider)
zlac (Kitstudio)
shawminator (CGPE)
MFZ69 (UniNameFontPermissions Tool)


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